Premier Orthotics
Orthotic Services
Your Appointment
Parking is free and close to the main Hospital entrance. Your Orthotic Consultation is conducted in the comfortable surroundings of a private Hospital with coffee available on arrival. Please arrive just prior to your appointment time as Appointments are typically prompt. Sufficient time is allocated for a full initial assessment. If you are unable to attend your appointment please inform us 24hrs prior to your appointment; otherwise a charge will be incured for non-attendance.
Consultation Preparation
In preparation for your consultation it is advised that you come prepared for an examination of your legs/body and wear shorts or appropriate attire.
Bring an additional pair of shoes in case we need to further examine the wear pattern, or take the footwear as a point of reference or alteration.
If you wish to be chaperoned by another staff member please inform us beforehand, so that arrangements can be made.
Data Privacy
Your personal data (Name, address, date of birth, contact numbers and email) will not be passed on to any third party other than for the purposes of informing your referrer or GP etc, who are directly involved in your care, the outcome of your Orthotic Consultation. Acceptance of this appointment and subsequent interactions with Premier Orthotics will automatically assume consent to this information being held. Your ‘privacy information’ will be retained for eight years and then be archived or destroyed by ‘confidential waste shredding’. Should you NOT wish us to hold information please contact us.
Mark Elmer has been working with Paediatric patients for over 30 years and dealt with complex neuromuscular cases, such as those found in children with cerebral palsey, though all types of medical conditions can be addressed.
Domiciliary Visits
Domiciliary visits (home visits) can be arranged, the cost of this is dependent on your location.
Referral Method
Referrals can be via:
- Consultants
- GPs
- Physiotherapists
- Health Professionals
- Self Referral
An Orthotic referral form is available to medical staff should they choose to use this rather than send a letter, alternatively an email can be sent or appointment made by phone.
Medical Legal Reports
Orthotic consultations and Professional cost effective Medical Legal Reports carried out on behalf of legal firms for their clients.
Expert Witness Reports presented in a detailed but easy to read manner and promptly provided, for both Claimants & Defendants. Also, Case Management Reports.
Mark Elmer is experienced in Report Writing and has attended the Expert Witness Institute course for Part 35 CPR Report Writing.
Medical Legal Reports
Mark Elmer has been engaged in providing Medical Legal Orthotic Reports for over10 years. Previously registered with the Expert Witness Institute.
- Compliant with Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR)
- Single Joint Expert
- Party Appointed Expert
- Bath
- Bristol
- London
- Yeovil
- CV & T&Cs available upon Request
Orthotic Consultations and Professional cost effective Medico-Legal Reports carried out on behalf of legal firms for their clients.
Expert Witness Reports presented in a detailed but easy to read manner and promptly provided, for both Claimants & Defendants. Also, Case Management Reports.
Mark Elmer is experienced in Report Writing, has attended the Expert Witness Institute course for Part 35 CPR Report Writing.
Medical Insurance
Mark Elmer is registered with most of the Private Insurance companies, and commonly the insurance company will pay for the cost of the consultation, though probably not the orthosis cost.
We would however remind patients that it is their responsibility to ensure funding is available, and to contact their Insurance Company’s Advice Desk as necessary.
Your Initial Consultation
Hospitals are increasingly requiring patients to provide credit card details on first appointment. They may require this even though it can be unrelated to your Orthotic appointment.
Full payment of the Consultation Cost is required at the initial appointment.
Additionally, due to the nature of procuring Orthotic products a deposit may be taken at the initial consultation, and then deducted from the final cost.
The Invoice will show both the product(s) and consultation costs separately itemised. Settlement of the outstanding costs is required at the issuing of the orthoses.
Many Orthoses are deemed as ‘single use items’ which means that once the orthosis is issued to the patient they are liable for its costs. Terms and conditions are supplied on request.
Payment Method
- Debit/Credit cards
- Cheque – made payable to Premier Orthotics Ltd.
- Cash
Insurance Authorisation
Premier Orthotics manages all aspects of the consultation process, however, if you have private medical insurance you will need to ensure they are prepared to pay for your Orthotic treatment.
- Commonly insurance companies will pay for the consultation costs if supported by a referral from a medical consultant.
- They will not always fund the cost of the Orthosis (product)
- You should request an authorisation number from your Insurer, prior to your appointment.
- Patients should realise that ultimately, funding of the treatment is their responsibility, and their contract and insurance funding details is not the responsibilty of Premier Orthotics Ltd.
Non-Attendance of Appointments
If you need to Cancel an appointment please do so at-least 24hours prior to that appointment otherwise the appointment costs are required in full.
On the rare occassion patients forget their appointment, unfortunately, due to room hire & professional costs, the cost of this appointment must be met by the patient, and is required prior to their next appointment.
Should you have any concerns in the management of your treatment at any stage please feel free to phone or write. We will endeavor to make all aspects of your treatment experience as easy and efficient as possible.
Clinic Locations
Premier Orthotics Ltd
Bristol Nuffield Hospital – The Chesterfield
3 Clifton Hill
The Nuffield Hospital are unable to admit children 3 and under.
Premier Orthotics Ltd
Apthorp Centre
Weston Road
Premier Orthotics Ltd
London, Harley Street
(Medico-Legal Reports)